Two weeks ago I started hypnotherapy to help me lose weight and give up smoking. I’m enjoying the progress I’m making and I have noticed a difference in my eating habits and I haven’t actually smoked a cigarette for about nine weeks now, but I am vaping, which is what I’m trying to get myself off now.

It’s definitely helped me in improving my sleep, and in doing so has also helped with how much information my ADHD brain can take in while I sleep. It’s really rather effective and I’m happy with how things are progressing.

I’ve started eating healthier, I’ve started gentle exercise (it has to be gentle as my knees are knackered after a lifetime of hard running) and I’m going to start swimming again next week. I’m booked in for hydrotherapy at some point. Life’s looking up!

Once I get a decision on how to treat my ADHD, I’m hoping I can restart my Creative Writing and English Language degree. Now that would be amazing. I’ve got two science degrees, one at BSc and one at Masters and I would love to gain another. At the moment my writing is all over the place but as I get treatment, hopefully, we’ll see an improvement in the quality of content.

I’d be interested in hearing how other people’s experience of hypnotherapy is and how effective it was for them.  Please feel free to comment below!

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